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Individuals / One to One Workshops / Couples Family Groups​ / in-person telephone skype / one off sessions / ongoing consultancy


Health Psychology / Life Consultancy / Dementia Awareness Training / Dementia Care Training / Mental Strengthening / Career Development / Project Management Skills / Overcoming anxiety / Overcoming depression / Improving confidence/ Improving self esteem / Improving relationships / Finding contentment/ Achieving Fitness Goals / Achieving Nutrition Goals / Acheiving Spiritual Goals/ Acheiving Relationship Goals / Living Authentically / Living in the present



I divide life in to four areas: Mind, Body, Soul, Heart. 














   Initially, a consultation with the client will occur to assess the four areas of life- mind, body, soul and heart, to determine areas of focus and allow a management plan to be developed on a specific area or simply to help all four areas come in to balance.


    Subsequent sessions are usually split in to two sections (although this approach is flexible and varies for each client): the first half involves traditional talking therapies (identifying, exploring and examining issues), whilst the second half of the session is more dynamic, and aims to overcome, heal and move forward from issues. The focus is on transforming negative thoughts, barriers and behaviours in to positive action through creative, practical, physical or spiritual work.


    This method enables not only the 'can of worms' to be opened, but also chases the worms out of the garden! This prevents clients becoming trapped in a negative cycle by transforming barriers in to positive energy. This method is transformative and I believe requires less sessions than solely using traditional talking therapies.


     I work with adult clients on an individual, couple or group basis at your home, workplace, outdoors or public setting.

You choose one or more areas of focus and we work together to tailor a programme to suit your needs.

The lifestyle consultancy I offer is more than      just talking therapies.

I can work with you in physical, practical and     creative ways to empower you in your life right now and to learn skills moving forward.

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