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How to achieve your goals: 4 tips!

By Dr Jemma Regan

Darts in dartboard on wall

Often in life we feel we are simply treading water, waiting for something to happen. We feel directionless, powerless. We compare ourselves to others and wish we had what they have – a better job, a loving partner, a child, a well-stamped passport, a lovely home, a flashy car. We fluctuate from not knowing what we want to achieve, to having so many ideas, that attainment is unrealistic. Here are 4 tips to achieving your life goals:

  • Identification

A shift in energy needs to change. Instead of looking outward, look inward. Instead of thinking about what other people have, think about what it is you want. Identify your point of focus. Often we feel directionless because we have not identified in our own mind a point of focus. This may be a single goal or several small goals. Writing these down makes it tangible and real. Spiritually speaking, the universe will always provide. The issue is not abundance, but identifying what it is we really, truly want to receive. It is important to ask yourself what is the goal about and who it is truly for. If your goal is to lose weight, is this really for yourself or is it to impress another? The motive must come from deep within yourself to ensure success. Ask yourself why you have not achieved this goal before? Have you subconsciously sabotaged your own attainment for fear of success / happiness / contentment?

  • Time Management

Good things come to those who wait; well yes, but better things come to those who manage their time well. Now you have identified what it is you want to achieve, set a realistic time frame for this. Consider competing demands for your time, and set an achievable end goal for your target. You may think this means a point way in the future, but actually setting an earlier time frame can generate unexpected focus.

  • Stay Focused

New Year’s resolutions rarely last the year. With no solid strategy behind them, they can drift by the wayside. A long term and short term plan is key. Buy a diary. Fix the dates for that workout, study time or dating and stick to them. Organisation may sound boring, but it actually allows spontaneity, knowing the important things are taken care of.

Furthermore, other people will share your goals and can be a great support. However, some may consciously or unconsciously try to knock you off guard or compete with you along the way. Don’t get drawn in to this, it is your race; run it your way. Return back to the point of identification and stay true to your own motives and intentions.

  • Self-Belief

Focus and self-belief are intertwined. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Confidence comes from an inward place, arrogance is boasting of our abilities, expressed outwardly to others. I too am aware of walking this tightrope. My self-belief comes from knowing I have achieved other goals in the past and I can achieve any other goal I set my mind to in the future. The difference from understanding this as confidence and arrogance is speech. It is confident to tell myself this inwardly, be my own cheerleader quietly. It may be arrogant to express this to another person, ‘I know I can do this, because I’ve done X,Y,Z… and list all your achievements’. The latter expression often comes from insecurity and is a form of comparison. These people often don’t reach their goals as their energy is wasted in outward projection. When people talk to me in this way, I think to myself ‘who are you trying to convince?’. By all means, share your goals with others, but keep that inner fire burning strong and attainment of your goals will manifest!

Good luck!!

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