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Get some fresh air! 4 simple tips to help boost your fresh air quota


Fresh air. We all need it. We all benefit from it. But how many of us get enough of it?

I remember as a child being encouraged by my father to ‘go outside and get some fresh air’. I questioned ‘why?’ I couldn’t understand what was different about the air inside the house from the air outside the house.

I now understand it is much more than that. It is the movement of the body, the light of the sun, the stimulus of the surroundings, the increase in breathing.

Whilst an all-day ramble in beautiful countryside is the pinnacle of achieving our fresh-air quota, there are many ways to increase our intake of air, some of which don’t necessarily mean going outside:

1. Breathe. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply.

Yesterday, I moved house and when I finally stopped shifting boxes around at 6pm after being on the go since 8.30am, I realised even though I was outside I had stopped breathing properly. I took a few deep breaths and realised I hadn’t been breathing properly all day! Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whomever you are with, take a moment to breathe in for as long as you can and breathe out for as long as you can. You may realise you were holding your breath!

2. Open the window.

Take a moment to enjoy the fresh breeze flowing through the open window. Feel the ebb and flow of life. This is especially important after waking in the morning to allow fresh energy in to your room. Don’t shudder from the breeze, allow it to blow away the cobwebs. Turn off the air conditioning, open the window and feel your mind and body enliven from breathing in a natural wind.

3. Take a walk on your lunch break.

So many of us, especially those living and working in London, do not take a proper lunch break, yet the benefits of doing so are enormous. The change of scene, the change of pace will mean you are refreshed and revived for the afternoon. This may simply be a five minute stroll around the block, or it may be the luxury of spending an hour discovering the city’s green spaces. Increase the benefits by leaving your phone behind, or at least leaving it on silent during your lunch time walk.

4. Go in the garden.

Could you sit outside more often? Do you have access to a roof terrace or a balcony if you don’t have the luxury of a private outside space? Eat your dinner out there in the evening, take a magazine or book outside on a bench to read. You may even make some new friends!

Let go off the stale air and old energy. Practice a free and easy wellness boost. Welcome in the fresh air!

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