Start your day the right way! 7 tips for non-morning people

I am definitely not a morning person. I never have been. It could be 5am or 9am, I am always like a zombie in the morning, and basic conversation is a struggle!
In contrast, some people are bright and ready to go in the mornings.
Here are 7 tips to help you start your day the right way:
1. Rehydrate
Lemon and peppermint tea is working wonders for me in the mornings currently. Find your own combination, or it may just be regular tea or coffee. Getting rehydrated, with ideally, a non-sugary drink peps you up instantly.
2. Greet
Greet the day with a “good morning”. Your mind may feel like it’s the middle of the night, but starting the day with optimism can help. Notice the nice flowers on the way to work or the sun shining.
3. Tongue Scrape
Start using a tongue scrapper. This does not sound very pleasant, but it is an amazing device used daily by advocates of Ayurvedic medicine and philosophy. Once used, you will not go back to just brushing your teeth!
4. Stretch
Do a few stretches or a bit of a dance. I am enjoying having BBC 2 on in the mornings with the Chris Evans breakfast show. For me currently, I like listening to something non-intrusive. You may prefer classical or jazz, or some techno house, or heavy metal to get going.
5. Wait before eating
Give yourself chance to wake up before eating. It is tempting to head straight for breakfast once getting out of the sack, and of course this does give us energy to face the day. It is true breakfast is the most important meal of the day, however, eating too soon after waking may not have given the digestion a chance to fully wake up. Eating before the digestive furnace is burning can result in a sluggish feeling. The same can be said for eating too much in the morning.
6. Sex.
If you’re lucky enough to have a (regular or one off!) partner on hand when you wake, why not indulge in some morning glory? This will put a smile on your face and the extra exercise will give your skin a glow!
7. Wake up earlier
This may seem counter-intuitive, but waking and getting up earlier than usual can give you more energy than staying lolling in bed for hours. Ayurveda describes the first magical hour just after sunrise, as a time of Vata, where we can imbibe a positive energy. If you’re feeling very brave, why not get up before the sun and watch it rise? You will notice it fills you with energy rather than taking it away. You will sleep better the next night too!
Good Morning all! :-)