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The Mundane and the Magic

Life is a fine balance between the mundane and the magic.

Every possibility is available. But often, we narrow our world, perceiving impossibility.

We tread the path of the mundane on a daily basis, with jobs, families, morning alarm clocks, waiting for the weekend. Yet, we also make plans based on hopes, dreams, desires and aspirations.

As children, the magic is everywhere and endless. We are guided by our imaginations, guided by our hearts. We dream big and we dream without boundaries. As children, we live in the moment, our senses are sharper and our curiosity inspires us. The face of a child when it sees a plane, a train, or tries a food for the first time, is magical. I am astounded at how good children are at playing the matching pairs card game – their memory clear and light.

As adults, when we play the same matching pairs game, we struggle. Our minds are clouded by fog. Clouded by the responsibilities of adulthood, bills, relationships, expectations, fuelled by experience, disappointment; we tell ourselves our own stories, we are driven by our own minds.

As children we believe in fairy-tale, we believe in Santa Claus. We make friends easily and forgive easily.

Wisdom doesn’t always come from experience; it can come from innocence, ungoverned by age.

In the mundane, the magic still exists. Here are a few examples:

1. The kindness of strangers.

This last year, I have been approached by about ten different elderly men on different occasions who resemble my late granddad, exchanging a few kind words and advice.

2. The marvel of nature.

The calming and restorative effects of the great outdoors – green fields, animals, waterfalls, wild flowers, mountains, sparkling beaches, are the clearest display of magic. Completing the Welsh 3 peaks recently with good friends confirms my belief, walking should be prescribed on the NHS.

3. The freedom of thought, speech and travel.

Adult life may seem limited and parochial. But if you consider: you can actually THINK anything, SAY anything, GO anywhere, DO anything, there is always a choice and this is YOUR choice: the possibilities are limitless.

The world is a magical place, go explore!!

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